On SmartPages, you can create your pass templates for your cards and tickets, view real time pass statistics, get pass distribution codes and send out your passes to your users. No need for complex analytical skills, just simple and actionable data.
Here below you can find few samples of what is possible for pass issuers to do on our back-end service page SmartPages.
On SmartPages, you can create your pass templates for your cards and tickets, view real time pass statistics, get pass distribution codes and send out your passes to your users. No need for complex analytical skills, just simple and actionable data.
Here below you can find few samples of what is possible for pass issuers to do on our back-end service page SmartPages.
Leverage the power of SmartPages and track your customer pass usage in real time. Power up your business with simple and powerful data analytics.
Leverage the power of SmartPages and track your customer pass usage in real time. Power up your business with simple and powerful data analytics.
Create your own pass templates and customize them with SmartPages. Don't have time or the manpower to create them? We will do it for you for only 26.365 ISK (+VAT)
Create your own pass templates and customize them with SmartPages. Don't have time or the manpower to create them? We will do it for you for only 26.365 ISK (+VAT)
You can connect to our system through our SMART API for ISK 8,900 monthly.
External API
Get your pass data for external APIs. ISK 8,900 monthly.
External Authentication
Make your pass customer authenticate themselves with "Rafræn skilríki" before handing a pass over to them. ISK 3,900 monthly.
Connect DK Plus API with SmartPages, required for DK Webhook in automations. ISK 5,900 monthly.
Scanner License
Allows use of the SmartScanner app. 1 license counts for 10 devices, ISK 2.900 monthly.
All our services and integrations in one place!
Try it now!
We offer many more integrations with SmartPages than only to, SmartWallet and SmartScanner.
(All prices without VAT)
You can connect to our system through our SMART API for ISK 8,900 monthly.
External API
Get your pass data for external APIs. ISK 8,900 monthly.
External Authentication
Make your pass customer authenticate themselves with "Rafræn skilríki" before handing a pass over to them. ISK 3,900 monthly.
Connect DK Plus API with SmartPages, required for DK Webhook in automations. ISK 5,900 monthly.
Scanner License
Allows use of the SmartScanner app. 1 license counts for 10 devices, ISK 2.900 monthly.
All our services and integrations in one place!
Try it now!
Move your customers' paper and plastic cards to Apple Wallet and SmartWallet with Apple international solution.
Síðumúli 25 3rd. Floor, 108 Reykjavík
+354 537 8300