Make your own digital cards and tickets
Move your customers' paper and plastic cards to Apple Wallet and SmartWallet with Apple international solution.
Play Button

Select your pass

You can make eight types of passes: ID pass, Punch pass, Member pass, Ticket pass, Coupon pass, Gift pass, Multi pass and Storage pass

ID pass

ID passes are used to prove the user identity, and IDs often have a thumbnail image of the user.

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Driver licenses and membership cards.


Punch pass

A customer rewards Punch pass is a great tool to increase customer loyalty by encouraging your customers to return to a business repeatedly. Punch pass can be free or prepaid.

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Prepaid 10 coffee cup Punch cards or 10 punches give you one free meal.


Member pass

Member passes are a great way to provide your customers with membership cards without a thumbnail image. You can add a strip image to customise your pass. The member passes are used to prove members identities.

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Membership cards.


Ticket pass

Tickets are a great way to provide your customers access or a service. Tickets can only be used one time.

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Concert ticket, museum tickets or one free bowl of smoothie.


Coupon pass

Coupons are a great way to provide your customers with discounts. Coupons can only be used once.

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25% off all t-shirts or 2 for 1 of a meal.


Gift pass

Gift passes are a great way to give a gift from a specific company.

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10.000 ISK gift card to a store you like.


Multi pass

Multi tickets are a great way to provide your customers access or a service multiple times. Multi tickets can be used as many times as you enable.

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10 tickets to a swimming pool or 50 tickets to the bus.


Storage pass

Storage passes are a great way to provide your customers with a safe place to store their valuables, like clothes or bags. Storage can have a strip image.

Like What?

Cloakroom or checkroom tickets.

Photo of Vésteinn Viðarsson
Vésteinn Viðarsson
Stafrænt Ísland
,,Við hjá Stafrænt Ísland gerðum samning við Smart Solutions um að gera með okkur stafrænt Ökuskírteini og gekk það ótrúlega vel og hratt fyrir sig. Við hvetjum alla til að taka þátt í að gera Ísland stafrænt.”
Photo of Marta Rut Pálsdóttir
Marta Rut Pálsdóttir
Kaffihús Kaffitárs
,,Við veltum lengi fyrir okkur hvernig við gætum fundið rafræna lausn á klippikortunum okkar, svo við gætum gert þetta sem best og auðveldast fyrir viðskiptavinin. Með lausn Smart Solutions getum við umbunað viðskiptavinum okkar á einfaldan, ódýran og umhverfisvænan hátt með kortum í veskisappi. Smart Solutions eru frábær samstarfsaðili með lausnir sem henta.”
Photo of Hulda Hjálmarsdóttir
Hulda Hjálmarsdóttir
Framkvæmdastjóri Krafts
„Nýverið tók Kraftur upp rafræn félagskort og lyfjakort í samstarfi við Smart Solutions. Við erum alveg einstaklega ánægð með samstarfið. Kerfið þeirra er auðvelt og þægilegt og þjónustan framúrskarandi. Áður þurftum við alltaf að gefa út útprentuð lyfjakort en lausnin frá SmartSolutions hefur nú tekið við. Mæli eindregið með SmartSolutions.“
Testimonial Logo
Testimonial Logo
Testimonial Logo
Testimonial Logo
Testimonial Logo

Distribute Passes

Distribute your passes through existing channels
My pages

Deliver passes to your customers from your website through "Your page".


Send a personalized email to your customers, including a pass link that allows them to install them directly to their smartphones.

Link to passes

Distribute your passes with a link, and your customers can download them directly to their smartphones.

Use QR-code

Display QR-code on the web or in printed media so your customers can download passes directly to their smartphones from anywhere.


To speed up and increase installed passes, distribute them with SMS. This feature is coming up soon.

Social media

Acquire and discover new customers through a targeting advertising on Social media.

Tools and apps


Here you can make pass templates, manage your user accounts and subscription. See statistics, distribute and see a list of your passes.

Pass builder

Pass builder

Pass List

Pass List



Pass Distribution

Pass Distribution

SmartPages website